Special Services

Contact Information
3601 Janet St, Dearborn Heights, MI 48125
Tel: (313) 292-3161
Fax: (313) 565-2178
Dr. Gail Strickland |
Tel: (313) 292-3162 |
Director of Special Services | E-Mail: [email protected] |
Sue Flum | (313) 292-3161 |
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Special Services | E-Mail: [email protected] |
Special Education
McKinney Vento
Child Find
Child Find is the federal requirement, established by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), to identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities, from birth through 21 years of age, who are in need, or may be in need, of special education and related services. Child find is an affirmative and ongoing process that includes public awareness activities, policies and procedures, and coordination with agencies and primary sources such as local physicians, local hospitals, public health department, childcare centers, department of health and human services, and county jails. In Michigan, the child find obligation extends to all children and students with disabilities from birth through 25 years of age, who are in need, or may be in need, of special education and related services.If you know of a child that resides in the Westwood Community School District that you suspect may be a student with a disability who needs or may be in need of special education programs and services please contact the Special Services office at Westwood Community School District at 313-292-3161 or your child’s school.